Almost everyone has tightened purse strings to ride out COVID-19 pandemic. Our personal , professional and emotional world transformed almost overnight. As cosmetic practices shuttered, all business strategy was on hold indefinitely while we felt our way into a new normal. Now, we are struggling with how to reopen our doors to current and new […]
Google adwords
Increase Your Fees for More Profit
The landscape is changing for cosmetic surgeons and medical spas. So, you probably find it challenging to increase your fees for more profit. Organic search results no longer work alone. Localized Google search results mean you have to keep an eye on all competition in your area. Online reviews are the new word-of mouth. Â Plus, […]
Don’t Be Forced To Buy Google Adwords
While Google Ads can’t work miracles, they are an excellent tool in your overall marketing plan. This tool is a targeted pay per click (PPC) on Google. It complements your existing website SEO and social media posts. But, connecting all the dots can be complicated. In addition, you need to optimize seven Internet vital signs […]