Internet marketing for doctors is evolving constantly. Google changes. Facebook changes. SEO changes. And people change. Thus, we have to stay immersed in both behavior and technology to maintain and grow. It’s time that most of our plastic surgery and medical spa clients don’t have. So, they rely on PUMC’s market research and expertise.
Here’s what we see coming in 2017 Internet Marketing for doctors.
Mobile continues to evolve and grow. Today, 4 of 5 Americans have a smartphone, which means that Internet is almost always at their fingertips. They access social media, pictures, phone numbers, directions, websites and more. Having a mobile website is vital. And, keep in mind that wearable mobile devices is an upcoming trend that is flourishing among millennials. This could affect the medical spa segment of your practice.
Social media continues to provide better targeting and advertising. Facebook offers multiple posting options to desired responses. Social media is a key internet marketing tool. Taking advantage of the new features requires some trial and error to determine what works best for your practice. Here are some of the features we recommend:
- Use photos for more reach. They get more likes and appear in Google image searches.
- Think series occasionally. For example, think about how people await the next episode in a TV series. Do the same with posts. Communicate an event with the procedures you’ll offer. Then, wait a few days before offering prices. Wait a few more days before announcing prizes. Follow up with pictures and videos.
- Try video marketing. Link videos from YouTube. Upload a video. Advertise on Facebook. Short videos are ideal to capture attention.
- Boost important posts for a targeted reach.
- Be consistent. Social media isn’t something you can do occasionally. Consistency is important to stay in front of patients and potential patients.
Video marketing continues to be a preference for many people. Short clips that people don’t have to read are getting seen. Consider adding video marketing to your 2017 internet marketing plan. Grab a smartphone to record testimonials. Develop a few PowerPoint slides and record a voice-over. Videos are great for sharing in social media, eblasts, website and on YouTube.
Online reviews are vital for bringing patients in your door. Reviews speak volumes for potential patients who don’t know you. Your reputation is in the hands of your reviewers….or is it? Global Online Reviews gives you the tools to manage your online reviews. It helps you establish more positive reviews, provides the strength of pulling your reviews together and helps you ask patients for reviews. Contact PUMC if your reviews aren’t the best they can be.
Content remains king. Whether you are posting, writing a blog, or emailing a patient, content is a necessity. Attention spans are shorter. Time is at a premium. So, let your words talk communicate concisely. Show it through pictures. Optimize your keyword phrases for SEO. Content is the one common tool among all the marketing tactics.