Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. It’s a time for reflection. Most traditions on this holiday concentrate on the good in everything. As the major gift-giving season draws near, plastic surgery and medical spa marketing should think about Thanksgiving specials that relate to traditions and gifts.
1. Turkey—It’s What’s for Dinner
Great Thanksgiving meals usually start with turkey. The National Turkey Federation says that 95 percent of Americans eat turkey at Thanksgiving. Of course, we have all the trimmings along with it and end with dessert. Many of us are ready to start dieting the day after Thanksgiving. Hope you got your Thanksgiving specials out in time. This is the ideal time of year for diet and body sculpting email blasts.
2. Time for Reflection and Thanks
Thanksgiving is a time for reflection. As people count their blessings, some are moved to help others in the community. Take advantage of this donation opportunity for your region. How about a discount on certain services for food donations? It’s simple to drop the donations off at a local shelter. Consider donating a percentage of service costs to local shelters or feed the homeless. Think outside the box for endless Thanksgiving specials with a charity connection that patients love.
3. The Great Divide—Shopping and Sports
Black Friday is a day that shoppers won’t miss. While sports fans are gathered around the TV, shoppers hit the stores. This is a great time for product special gifts for friends and family. Communicate in ways to reach your patients in time for Black Friday. And, don’t forget cyber Monday. It’s time for Thanksgiving specials! You need to be visible on the two biggest shopping days of the year.
4. Parades and More Parades
Many local parades occur Thanksgiving weekend. If you have children or are involved in community groups, you’ll be at one or more local parades. Or, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade from the comfort of your recliner may be more your style. Consider Facebook advertising or email blasts to pull in people attending parades. Cyber Monday specials can get those people who prefer to purchase from the comfort of home. Gift cards, specials on skincare and more.
Traditions may evolve through the years as we include new family, friends and neighbors. Very much like anti-aging treatments and products have evolved. While every family has their own way of celebrating, Thanksgiving is a shopping time that most people anticipate year after year. Make sure that you have gifts and specials ready at this time.
If you need help in optimizing holiday seasons or other marketing, contact our experts at PUMC. We love to brainstorm ideas with our clients.