What’s happening with your Internet marketing money? Are you getting the most mileage from your investment in Internet and social media marketing? Are you spending money on Internet activities but not seeing a return on your investments? If you aren’t sure of the answer, you need to be more engaged in your Internet marketing activities.
It could be the result of failing to TARGET your Internet marketing budget to address the demanding new Google SEO and social media requirements. Poor results also could be the result of poor planning or inadequate execution of your marketing strategy.
There are solutions that I want to share it with you and your staff in PUMC’s 3rd, Getting Ahead of Google Updates webinar on September 25th at 8:30 AM PST. To learn about these free solutions, click here to Register.
Our final webinar of a three part series of client trainings will cover:
- Internet Provider services and Fees
- Internet Staff Salaries & Incentives
- ROI of Internet Patient Communications
- Pay-For-Click (Google Adword) Budgets
The first sessions covered Google’s Pigeon change, and the 2nd session addressed staffing your Internet marketing program. You can view recorded highlights of these past events here.
Take action on your marketing budget and join this free webinar at:
Presenter: Greg Washington, President, CEO
Patients Unlimited Marketing Consultants
Thursday, September 25, 2014
8:30 AM to 9:30 AM (PST)
Register Now! Limited “seating“
Catching this blog after our free webinar? Contact PUMC via phone or email. We’re always happy to put our team of Internet marketing experts to work for you. Whether you’re having search engine optimization (SEO) problems, social media challenges, adword glitches or other internet marketing glitches, we’re happy to troubleshoot with you.
Today, take life easy and let our Internet marketing experts resolve your issues.