Plastic surgery benefits are everywhere. Do you communicate these to your patients?
Plastic surgery, starting in the late 1800’s, has made a positive difference in everyone’s life. Plastic surgeons aren’t just responsible for refining techniques for body symmetry, correcting injuries, deformities and creating beauty. Groups of surgeons are responsible for shatterproof windshields and other automobile safety improvements. Surgeons also participated in developing the flammable fabrics act for children. They have pioneered many techniques that deliver desirable results for both reconstructive and cosmetic patients. Plastic surgery benefits abound.
Thanks to Board certification programs, plastic surgery is fully integrated into the medical industry today. Plastic surgeons and medical spas offer a variety of procedures that help patients achieve their dreams. As you create a marketing plan for your medical practice, think about including plastic surgery benefits. This different approach interests many patients.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the top five surgical procedures in 2014 are shown below. If you perform some or all of these procedures, every marketing tactic should hit on these procedures. Consider blogs and social media posts about the history, recovery, benefits and other procedure information. Ask patients for testimonials on Google+ and other review sites. Record testimonial or informative videos. As a surgeon, you’re making a difference in the world. Get the word out.
Breast augmentation
Eyelid surgery
Plastic surgery has given rise to a variety of minimally-invasive procedures. The top five according to ASPS are shown below. Reports show that popularity continues to increase significantly for the top four. Is a medical spa part of your practice? If you are doing some or all of these non-invasive procedures, communicate it to your patients. Blog, share videos, obtain testimonials, share pictures and do eblasts. People love before & after stories. It’s a good idea to capture some of these from your patients.
Soft tissue fillers
Chemical peels
Laser hair removal
Do you need a little help in sharing plastic surgery benefits? Or, perhaps you’re too modest to toot your own horn. Contact PUMC for help in developing or executing a marketing plan that can boost the success of your practice.