How the Stimulus Bill can Jump-Start Your Aesthetic Marketing!
Skillfully executed digital marketing is the key to addressing how to acquire new patients in 2021 given the continued economic uncertainty. PUMC’s marketing, management, and digital advertising specialists have developed a how-to checklist for you to get started!
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1. How Do I Ready My Website to Meet Google’s New Page Experience Update?
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Inoculate current digital assets’ (website and social media) content to address information demands. You will be the choice of 2021 shopping consumers with money to spare and lots of online options to make decisions.
When it comes down to the bottom line, your website banners, site content, and social media signals must deliver great page experiences. Google will reward your organic, PPC, and social media results based on Google’s new Page Experience algorithm.
- Does your content answer the question the shoppers are asking?
- Does your content read as scholarly and as if it were written by a human (no keyword stuffing, rogue links, etc.)?
- Are the pages with the right answer ranking high?
- Can the user take the next step after answering the question?
Don’t stop here; the following tips are needed to be search relevant.
2. Can I Apply my PPP Extension for my Practice Digital Marketing?
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The Cares Act translates to three essential options that benefit aesthetic body specialists.
- Finding consumers who elect to spend money as their personal aesthetic priorities
- SBA Loan Funding is Available
- Payroll Protection (PPP)
As with the previous round of PPP loans, the new loans may be entirely forgiven if spent for the proper purposes (primarily payroll) during the appropriate period. SBA will likely update these once the program officially reopens.
No pre-payment penalty or fees.
3. How do I Use Reviews to Generate More Traffic?
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- Prevent negatives reviews
- Stockpile 4 and 5-star reviews
- Feature on pages
- Auto-post good reviews to Google and other sites
Amazon has taught us the importance of reviews. Good reviews that are readily visible make a difference.
You should have in place an online review management system that:
- Detects all reviews about your business and brings them to your attention immediately!
- Brings negative reviews to your attention for mediation
- Gathers 4 & 5-star reviews into a real-time counter at the top of all pages of your website
- Solicits reviews from your patient base
- Uses your reviews in your website content
4. What are the Best Patient Retention Strategies?
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You need to Pre-Plan your Patient-of-record events well ahead of time.
- Holiday specials
- Smart incentives
For the first time in the history of cosmetic surgery marketing, most consumers are making decisions to have major procedures and surgery performed before coming into your office… and paying for online consultation!
Set up the schedule for your events for the first half of the year now with holiday tie-ins and announcements about your featured services. Don’t forget to:
- Remind and incentivized your patients to bring a friend
- Prepare and schedule your e-blasts
- Create the graphics and content for your website events page
- Invite all unclosed prospective patients that you have gathered from email and phone inquiries
5. Are Analytics Important for 2021?
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Revisit 2020 4th quarter analytics for 1st quarter 2021 performance roadmap. Look at the last quarter of 2020 for:
- Website traffic
- Email inquiries
- Phone Inquiries
- Conversion from your E-communications
- Conversions from PPC Marketing
- Conversions for Social Media
These indicators can help you plan your 2021 with less trial and error.
6. Who are my Best Consultants for my Practice for Planning 2021?
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One of the most significant missed marketing opportunities we have observed over the years is the failure to engage the practice staff in the early planning and execution of the practice promotion execution and evaluations. More than ever, in 2021, get your team on board and energized with their involvement, suggestions, and plans.
An essential prerequisite is to have a plan that takes into consideration an execution timetable, staff orientation/ training, and the impact of your digital properties (website and social media).
Follow these steps:
- Bring in an expert marketing authority to create your plans for 2021
- Set your working budget and contingency built around your CARES Act Funding
- Set the timetable for the marketing and advertising events for the 1st half of the year
- Make your internal Staff Assignments
- Set up your calendar for monthly staff marketing review meetings